U.S. Waterproofing | 3 Effective Wet Basement Waterproofing Solutions…

3 Effec­tive Wet Base­ment Water­proof­ing Solu­tions in Plain­field IL 60586

Mar 5, 2014 • By Matthew Stock.


Plain­field IL is the old­est and 5th largest sub­urb in Will Coun­ty with a pop­u­la­tion of approx­i­mate­ly 40,000.

One of the high­lights of Plainfield’s his­to­ry is a rel­a­tive­ly recent one, how­ev­er, begin­ning when the Joli­et, Plain­field & Auro­ra Rail­road estab­lished an elec­tric rail line con­nect­ing those com­mu­ni­ties in the late 19th cen­tu­ry. To pro­mote trav­el on the line, the rail­road opened Elec­tric Park” in Plain­field in 1904.

Designed as an amuse­ment and vaca­tion spot, Elec­tric Park was locat­ed along the DuPage Riv­er water­front and fea­tured, along with a 5,000-seat audi­to­ri­um, gar­dens, ath­let­ic fields, band­stands, dance pavil­ions and oth­er attrac­tions. Guests stayed in cab­ins that offered not only elec­tric ser­vice but run­ning water and gas as well. Elec­tric Park became so pop­u­lar that some vaca­tion­ers spent entire sum­mers there.

Of course, the grow­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty of the auto­mo­bile killed the local rail­road in 1923; Elec­tric Park last­ed a few more years but closed in 1932, with audi­to­ri­um con­tin­u­ing in use for some years. The 1990 tor­na­do wiped out the last rem­nants of the park.

Today, Plain­field is a com­mu­ni­ty of homes and, even though the major­i­ty of hous­es there have been con­struct­ed in the past 30 years, Plain­field home­own­ers still encounter rou­tine main­te­nance and repair issues, includ­ing the need for wet base­ment waterproofing.

3 Effec­tive Wet Base­ment Water­proof­ing Solu­tions in Plainfield

Just as is done with homes in near­by Orland Park and Naperville, homes in Plain­field are always eval­u­at­ed on a case-by-case basis for water prob­lems but there are 3 com­mon­ly used wet base­ment water­proof­ing tech­niques that solve almost every problem.

1. Wall Crack Repair – In the poured con­crete base­ments com­mon­ly found in Plain­field, the most like­ly source of seep­age is a non-struc­tur­al crack in the wall. These cracks are best repaired by inject­ing them with expand­ing polyurethane, which seals the crack all the way to the out­side soil. The polyurethane remains flex­i­ble when it cures so that the crack will not re-open due to minor foun­da­tion movement.

If the base­ment is fin­ished or the crack is oth­er­wise inac­ces­si­ble, it can be repaired on the exte­ri­or with sodi­um ben­tonite clay. A small hole is exca­vat­ed next to the foun­da­tion and filled with the gran­u­lar clay, which absorbs water and forms a pli­able, per­ma­nent bar­ri­er against water intrusion.

2. Inte­ri­or Drain Tile – Anoth­er com­mon source of water in the base­ment is through cracks in the floor or the cove joint between wall and floor, caused by hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure under the foun­da­tion. Installing inte­ri­or drain tile, a sys­tem of per­fo­rat­ed pipe embed­ded in washed grav­el under the base­ment floor, will alle­vi­ate the pres­sure and trans­port the water to a sump pump for dis­charge from the home. When prop­er­ly installed, inte­ri­or drain tile requires no maintenance.

3. Exte­ri­or Water­proof­ing Tech­niques – Mason­ry foun­da­tions may expe­ri­ence seep­age through the walls due to bad mor­tar joints or porous mason­ry units like brick or con­crete block. Poured con­crete walls can seep through patch­es of porous con­crete or over the top of the wall. In either case, seep­age can be stopped per­ma­nent­ly by installing an exte­ri­or water­proof­ing mem­brane, a thick coat­ing of asphalt-mod­i­fied polyurethane that is applied with a trow­el to form a per­ma­nent water barrier.

If the ground water is extreme­ly high, the mem­brane can be aug­ment­ed with exte­ri­or drain tile and heavy-duty drainage board that pro­tects the mem­brane and chan­nels water down to the drain tile.

No mat­ter which tech­nique is rec­om­mend­ed the Plain­field home­own­er that needs wet base­ment water­proof­ing will require the advice and assis­tance of an expe­ri­enced base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we have pro­vid­ed base­ment water­proof­ing and foun­da­tion repair ser­vices to more than 300,000 sat­is­fied cus­tomers since 1957 in Chica­go and its sur­round­ing area, includ­ing Plain­field. Why not ask for our free advice when you have water in your basement?

Tags: plainfield wet basement waterproofing, wet basement waterproofing plainfield, will county basement waterproofing

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