U.S. Waterproofing | Using Yelp to Find a Chicago Basement…

Using Yelp to Find a Chica­go Base­ment Water­proof­ing Company

Mar 9, 2014 • By Matthew Stock.


Let’s talk about Yelp. Again. We have writ­ten before on this blog about the flaws in Yelp’s review sys­tem and, unfor­tu­nate­ly, noth­ing much has changed. We don’t have it in for Yelp or any­thing but, as more and more peo­ple rely on it for con­sumer infor­ma­tion we believe it’s impor­tant that cus­tomers of our indus­try under­stand just how it works.

There are lots of online review sites and more are pop­ping up every day. Reviews writ­ten by oth­er cus­tomers are a great way to learn about a prod­uct, a ser­vice or a com­pa­ny but read­ers must under­stand that, on ser­vices like Yelp, they are not nec­es­sar­i­ly get­ting the whole story.

Yelp got its start as a site for restau­rant reviews and it does a great job of pre­sent­ing them. How­ev­er, there’s a dif­fer­ence between review­ing a restau­rant and review­ing a home improve­ment con­trac­tor. Peo­ple who love to find new restau­rants (or shops or bars) can’t wait to post their opin­ions on Yelp, espe­cial­ly when they can rave about the great new place that they dis­cov­ered.”

There’s not quite the same thrill in post­ing about the great win­dow con­trac­tor or car­pet installer or base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny you used on your home. Let’s face it, it’s those cus­tomers whose expec­ta­tions are not met who are more like­ly to post their com­plaints than sat­is­fied cus­tomers are to pub­lish their accolades.

Under­stand­ing Base­ment Water­proof­ing Yelp Reviews

Here’s a chal­lenge: Go to the Chica­go Yelp page and search for home improve­ment com­pa­nies that have become house­hold names in Chica­go and look at their reviews. They’re gen­er­al­ly not very com­pli­men­ta­ry, yet some­thing has kept these com­pa­nies in busi­ness, many for a long time, and they’re estab­lished enough that the aver­age con­sumer knows their names.

Want more evi­dence? Check out these same com­pa­nies on oth­er review sites like the Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau and Angie’s List. Those reviews will tell an entire­ly dif­fer­ent story.

Go ahead and look at our com­pa­ny on Yelp – I’m no cow­ard. Ten of the 13 reviews you’ll see high­light­ed aren’t very good, to be hon­est. Giv­en what we believe is the impe­tus for most reviews, I’m not sur­prised. How­ev­er, I am sur­prised that despite our 57 years in busi­ness and 300,000+ sat­is­fied cus­tomers, and giv­en Yelp’s pop­u­lar­i­ty, we have only this hand­ful of reviews.

But, let’s look a lit­tle fur­ther. Those 13 reviews are under a huge, bold red head­line that says Rec­om­mend­ed Reviews.” Down at the bot­tom of the page in very small grayed-out type, there’s anoth­er head­line that says 38 oth­er reviews that are not rec­om­mend­ed.” If you click that link, you’ll see those reviews and see that only 3 are neg­a­tive and 35 are either 4 or 5 star (out of 5) rave ratings.

So, how does this hap­pen? Yelp explains it by say­ing that they have auto­mat­ed soft­ware” that detects reviews from infre­quent users, neg­a­tive rants and pos­i­tive raves” and reviews that are unhelp­ful to the Yelp com­mu­ni­ty.” Fair enough, but how does fil­ter­ing out 35 cus­tomers who were hap­py enough with our ser­vice that they took time to write about it cre­ate a pic­ture of U.S. Water­proof­ing that is help­ful to anyone?

Under­stand­ably, we don’t believe that our rat­ings on Yelp tru­ly reflect the way we do busi­ness and many, many oth­er busi­ness­es (and some aca­d­e­mics) feel the same way. (Google Is Yelp fair?”) How­ev­er, there’s prob­a­bly not a lot that can be done about it – all we can do is pro­vide the best ser­vice we can at fair prices just as we have since 1957 and hope that a few dis­sat­is­fied Yelp-ers are out­weighed by the hun­dreds of thou­sands of home­own­ers we have served since then.

Tags: yelp basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing yelp

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