U.S. Waterproofing | How Can I Repair a Wet Basement in Lake Geneva,…

How Can I Repair a Wet Base­ment in Lake Gene­va, WI 53147?

Feb 27, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

How Can I Repair a Wet Basement in Lake Geneva, WI 53147?

Lake Gene­va, WI is well known as a friend­ly resort town on the shores of Gene­va Lake that is a pop­u­lar week­end des­ti­na­tion for vis­i­tors from Mil­wau­kee, Chica­go and else­where who fre­quent down­town shops or enjoy golf at the Grand Gene­va. Although its pop­u­la­tion” on a warm sum­mer Sun­day might num­ber two or three times as many, more than 20,000 call the Lake Gene­va area home year-round.

Near­ly 40% of the homes in Lake Gene­va were built pri­or to 1970; almost half of those pri­or to 1950. There was also a build­ing boom in the 1990s when the num­ber of hous­ing units jumped by more than 30%. So, with its com­bi­na­tion of new­er and old­er homes, home­own­ers in the Lake Gene­va area often ask about the best way to repair wet basements.

3 Ways to Repair Wet Base­ments in Lake Geneva

With the wide range of home types in Lake Gene­va, based not only on age but also size and loca­tion, there is a num­ber of poten­tial caus­es for wet base­ments and sev­er­al ways to repair them.

First of all, with the town’s loca­tion on the shores of a large lake, homes in Lake Gene­va are like­ly to be affect­ed by a high water table. This alone isn’t a cause of wet base­ments but it can be a fac­tor in how quick­ly a prob­lem devel­ops and how severe it can be.

Drain Tile – Drain tile is some­times referred to as the Swiss Army Knife” of wet base­ment repair because it can be a solu­tion to a wide range of prob­lems, although not all. Whether on the exte­ri­or or the inte­ri­or, drain tile col­lects ground water before it can seep into the base­ment and car­ries it off to a sump pump that removes it from the house. Inte­ri­or drain tile relieves hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure under the foun­da­tion and pre­vents it from seep­ing in through the cove joint or cracks in the base­ment floor. Installed out­side the foun­da­tion, exte­ri­or drain tile pre­vents seep­age through cracks or breach­es in the wall and alle­vi­ates lat­er­al pres­sure from over­sat­u­rat­ed soil.

Wall Crack Injec­tion – One of the most com­mon caus­es of a wet base­ment in Lake Gene­va or any­where is a crack in a poured con­crete foun­da­tion, which is more like­ly to be found in a new­er home. Lat­er­al pres­sure from over-sat­u­rat­ed soil out­side the foun­da­tion walls can often cause those walls to devel­op small cracks – not enough to jeop­ar­dize the sta­bil­i­ty of the foun­da­tion but enough to allow seep­age. These cracks can be per­ma­nent­ly (and cost-effec­tive­ly) repaired by inject­ing expand­ing polyurethane into the crack from inside the base­ment. The ure­thane fills the crack all the way to the out­side soil and remains flex­i­ble after cur­ing so that the crack won’t re-open with minor shifts in the foundation.

Exte­ri­or Water­proof­ing Mem­brane – For old­er homes that have foun­da­tions con­struct­ed of con­crete block, stone, brick or any oth­er mason­ry, cracks will occur in the mor­tar joints; these can’t be repaired by injec­tion. The most effec­tive repair method for these foun­da­tions in Lake Gene­va is to apply an exte­ri­or water­proof­ing mem­brane to the foun­da­tion. The mem­brane is asphalt-mod­i­fied polyurethane and it is trow­eled on to the wall in a heavy coat that, when cured, pro­vides a pos­i­tive side” bar­ri­er to any fur­ther seep­age through cracks or through porous con­crete block.

Of course, there may be oth­er wet base­ment prob­lems that will require dif­fer­ent repairs but these are by far the most com­mon. When a Lake Gene­va home­own­er sets out to repair a wet base­ment it’s impor­tant that he or she choos­es a base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor that has exper­tise in even the most uncom­mon sit­u­a­tions and who knows the homes in their town. At U.S Water­proof­ing, we’ve been help­ing home­own­ers in Lake Gene­va for more than 30 years and we will help you keep your base­ment dry, no mat­ter what the prob­lem. Why not ask for our free advice?

Tags: basement waterproofing solutions, wet basement lake geneva, lake geneva wet basement

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