U.S. Waterproofing | How to do Basement Waterproofing in Wheaton, IL…

How to do Base­ment Water­proof­ing in Wheaton, IL 60187

Oct 3, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

Wheaton Courthouse

Pok­ing around in the his­to­ry of famil­iar com­mu­ni­ties around Chica­go is often pret­ty inter­est­ing. How else would any­one know, for exam­ple, that Skok­ie was orig­i­nal­ly called Niles Cen­ter or that Des Plaines was once the world’s largest pro­duc­er of hot­house ros­es or that Oak Lawn is the home of the world’s largest cig­ar store Indian?

A lit­tle his­tor­i­cal research can also encounter some town vs. town rival­ries but noth­ing like what erupt­ed in the mid-Nine­teenth Cen­tu­ry between Naperville and Wheaton. Just before the Civ­il War, an elec­tion in DuPage Coun­ty autho­rized mov­ing the coun­ty seat from Naperville to Wheaton, set­ting off a decade of ani­mos­i­ty between the two towns.

The issue went before the vot­ers again after the war and, upon win­ning a squeak­er of a vic­to­ry, Wheaton wast­ed no time in build­ing a new cour­t­house and start­ing to trans­fer records. Not giv­ing up, Naperville refused to turn over some records, which spurred a Mid­night Raid” by Civ­il War vet­er­ans from Wheaton to take the records by force. After more skull­dug­gery and law­suits, the DuPage Coun­ty seat remained in Wheaton where it is today.

Things are pret­ty ami­ca­ble between the towns today and the near­ly 20,000 home­own­ers in Wheaton don’t have to wor­ry about tak­ing part in raid­ing par­ties. They do, though, have the same main­te­nance wor­ries as their coun­ter­parts in Naperville and many of them require base­ment waterproofing.

Doing Base­ment Water­proof­ing in Wheaton

Of course, every house in Wheaton is dif­fer­ent but there are three com­mon­ly used approach­es to base­ment water­proof­ing that will solve most home­own­ers’ problems.

Crack Repair – The most com­mon type of foun­da­tion in Wheaton is one of poured con­crete and the most fre­quent dam­age that caus­es seep­age is a non-struc­tur­al crack in the base­ment wall. The best way to repair a crack is to inject it with expand­ing polyurethane from inside the base­ment. The polyurethane will fill the crack all the way to the out­side soil and form a per­ma­nent seal that remains flex­i­ble when it cures to pre­vent minor foun­da­tion move­ment from caus­ing the crack to re-open.

If the crack is inac­ces­si­ble from inside it can be repaired on the exte­ri­or with sodi­um ben­tonite clay. A small hole is dug next to the foun­da­tion at the site of the crack and filled with the clay, which forms a per­ma­nent, pli­able bar­ri­er against water on the pos­i­tive side” of the foun­da­tion wall.

Inte­ri­or Drain Tile – Anoth­er com­mon type of seep­age occurs when hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure under the foun­da­tion forces ground water through cracks in the base­ment floor or the cove joint. Installing inte­ri­or drain tile, per­fo­rat­ed pipe buried in a bed of washed stone under the base­ment floor, will alle­vi­ate this pres­sure and car­ry water off to a sump pump. Prop­er­ly installed, inte­ri­or drain tile requires no maintenance.

Exte­ri­or Water­proof­ing – Water can enter poured con­crete foun­da­tions through patch­es of porous con­crete or over the top of the foun­da­tion wall; it will seep into mason­ry walls through dete­ri­o­rat­ed mor­tar joints or porous mason­ry units like brick or con­crete block. This seep­age can be stopped by apply­ing an exte­ri­or water­proof­ing mem­brane, asphalt-mod­i­fied polyurethane that is trow­eled onto the wall in a thick coat to seal the wall against water.

If large amounts of ground water are present, the mem­brane can be com­ple­ment­ed by installing exte­ri­or drain tile and a heavy-duty drainage board that pro­tects the mem­brane and chan­nels water downward.

Regard­less of the appro­pri­ate type of repair, a Wheaton home­own­er who needs help keep­ing water out of his or her base­ment will need an expe­ri­enced base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we have been water­proof­ing base­ments in the Chica­go area for 56 years and we have already helped hun­dreds of Wheaton home­own­ers keep their base­ments dry and their homes healthy. Why not ask for our free advice?

Tags: wheaton basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing wheaton, dupage county basement waterproofing

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