U.S. Waterproofing | How to Prevent Basement Water Problems in Oak…

How to Pre­vent Base­ment Water Prob­lems in Oak Park

Jan 28, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

How to Prevent Basement Water Problems in Oak Park

Chica­go has a num­ber of notable sub­urbs but the one that is known around the world is Oak Park. Much of its inter­na­tion­al renown comes from the town’s asso­ci­a­tion with two giants of Amer­i­can arts, Ernest Hem­ing­way and Frank Lloyd Wright.

Clos­er to home, Oak Park is known to Chicagoland locals as the sub­urb with all the his­toric homes, top-ranked high school and an involved cit­i­zen­ry. For Oak Park­ers, the vil­lage offers a con­ve­nient, attrac­tive and com­fort­able home that few ever want to leave. How­ev­er, some of its charms are the very things that lead to base­ment water prob­lems in Oak Park.

Oak Park Base­ment Water Prob­lems Can Be Prevented

Many Oak Park res­i­dents would tell you that life in their leafy munic­i­pal­i­ty would be darn close to per­fect if it weren’t for those (exple­tive delet­ed) sew­ers! 

Oak Park was first set­tled in 1835 when it was part of Cicero; the vil­lage was incor­po­rat­ed in 1901. Typ­i­cal of towns of this vin­tage, old infra­struc­ture, such as sew­ers, starts to dete­ri­o­rate over time and leads to prob­lems for mod­ern-day home­own­ers. Sev­er­al times in the last few years, tor­ren­tial rains have over­whelmed munic­i­pal sew­er lines and caused numer­ous Oak Park home­own­ers to suf­fer flood­ed basements.

Repairs to the sew­er sys­tem notwith­stand­ing, the way to pre­vent this type of flood­ing is by installing over­head sew­er sys­tems, elim­i­nat­ing floor drains and rerout­ing below-ground plumb­ing drains to ejec­tor pumps. This puts grav­i­ty to work for, instead of against the home­own­er and elim­i­nates base­ment water prob­lems caused by sewers.

Where­as this kind of prob­lem is out­side the realm of nor­mal base­ment water­proof­ing in Oak Park, there are still chal­lenges pre­sent­ed to home­own­ers by oth­er con­di­tions there. For exam­ple, most of the homes in Oak Park are old­er and are sub­ject to the typ­i­cal weak­ness­es of old­er con­struc­tion. For exam­ple, homes built in the area in the 19th and ear­ly 20th Cen­tu­ry are like­ly to have stone, brick or some oth­er type of mason­ry foun­da­tions.

These foun­da­tions are prone to base­ment water prob­lems because of dete­ri­o­ra­tion in the mor­tar between blocks, bricks or stones that allows water seep­age into the base­ment. In the case of bricks or the some­what new­er con­crete blocks, the mason­ry units them­selves are porous and water can seep through them over time. The best way to elim­i­nate this type of base­ment water prob­lem in Oak Park is to install an exte­ri­or water­proof­ing mem­brane. This is an asphalt-mod­i­fied polyurethane seal­er that is trow­eled or sprayed heav­i­ly onto the foun­da­tion, seal­ing leaks from the exte­ri­or or pos­i­tive” side.

The great­est pro­tec­tion comes from cov­er­ing the mem­brane with semi-rigid plas­tic drainage board that chan­nels water down to exte­ri­or drain tile, either new or existing.

Of coure, any home of any age or style can ben­e­fit from inte­ri­or drain tile, which relieves hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure and pre­vents cove seep­age.

The his­to­ry of some of Oak Park’s homes can be a fac­tor in base­ment water prob­lems as well. Oak Park des­ig­nates local land­mark sta­tus for a long list of homes and approx­i­mate­ly one third of the village’s home are in nation­al­ly des­ig­nat­ed his­toric dis­tricts, includ­ing the Frank Lloyd Wright-Prairie School of Archi­tec­ture His­toric Dis­trict. Typ­i­cal­ly, such homes require great care in under­tak­ing any type of repair, includ­ing base­ment water­proof­ing, so that the his­toric nature of the home is pre­served. This means that any work should be done by a base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor that has expe­ri­ence work­ing on his­toric homes and knows how to han­dle their base­ments and foun­da­tions properly.

If you’re a home­own­er with water prob­lems in Oak Park, there are reme­dies, even for the sew­er back-ups. The experts at U.S. Water­proof­ing have worked with many, many Oak Park home­own­ers dur­ing our company’s 55 years in busi­ness and count them among our more than 300,000 sat­is­fied cus­tomers. Why not ask for a free con­sul­ta­tion when you see signs of seep­age or dampness?

Tags: basement waterproofing contractors, oak park basement water problems, basement water problems oak park, oak park basement waterproofing

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