U.S. Waterproofing | How Winter Creates Basement Water Problems in NW…

How Win­ter Cre­ates Base­ment Water Prob­lems in NW Indi­ana Homes

Dec 12, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

How Winter Creates Basement Water Problems in NW Indiana Homes

Win­ter around Lake Michi­gan can be pret­ty spec­tac­u­lar – ice, snow, high winds. It’s rough on those who live in the area, even the ones who like to brag about how tough they are.

Winter’s rough on homes in north­west Indi­ana, too. High winds wreak hav­oc on shin­gles and shut­ters, cold tem­per­a­tures can freeze pipes and heavy snow loads can dam­age trees and cause leaky roofs. 

Although it might not be the first thing that comes to mind, win­ter can also cause many base­ment water prob­lems, most of which can be avoided.

Two Rea­sons Why Win­ter Weath­er Caus­es Base­ment Water Prob­lems for Homes in North­west Indiana

There are a num­ber of ways in which win­ter weath­er can cause dam­age to a base­ment, espe­cial­ly in north­west Indi­ana, but two stand out above the rest.

Lake Effect Snow – The unique weath­er phe­nom­e­non of lake effect snow occurs when cold win­ter winds blow across the warmer waters of large lakes. In the U.S. and Cana­da, it occurs pri­mar­i­ly around the Great Lakes region; north­west Indi­ana (along with west­ern Michi­gan) is par­tic­u­lar­ly vul­ner­a­ble because of the area’s pre­vail­ing wind patterns.

The lake effect means that home­own­ers in north­west Indi­ana are much more like­ly to expe­ri­ence sig­nif­i­cant snow accu­mu­la­tions, even when neigh­bor­ing Chica­go is high and dry.

Lots of snow­fall means lots of snow piled up around foun­da­tions and, come an unsea­son­ably warm win­ter day or the long-await­ed spring, lots of water in the ground result­ing from snowmelt. Even before spring rains begin, home­own­ers in north­west Indi­ana are like­ly to expe­ri­ence base­ment water prob­lems as the ground begins to thaw and all that melt­ed snow cre­ates seep­age prob­lems.

Of course, all that snow piles up on roofs, too, and that com­bines with anoth­er major win­ter headache to cre­ate not only base­ment seep­age but water prob­lems in a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent area of the home.

Cold Tem­per­a­tures – Besides being threat­ened with frost­bite, north­west Indi­ana home­own­ers face anoth­er chal­lenge from cold temperatures. 

Severe cold can dam­age gut­ters, down­spouts and roofs. In a typ­i­cal win­ter sce­nario, an overnight snow­fall accu­mu­lates on a home’s roof only to begin to melt when day­time tem­per­a­tures rise. This prob­lem is made worse when inad­e­quate insu­la­tion inside the home or improp­er ven­ti­la­tion of the roof from out­side speeds up melting.

Ice dams occur when this snowmelt runs into gut­ters and then re-freezes when night falls and tem­per­a­tures drop. The expand­ing ice push­es up under shin­gles and caus­es the roof to leak. Bad news for base­ments is that ice dams can also dam­age gut­ters, caus­ing them to bend out­ward and sag from their mount­ings. Next time it rains, these gut­ters will spill a lot of water over their edges, dump­ing it next to the foundation. 

Ice dams, and the dam­age to gut­ters and roofs, are wors­ened by clogged down­spouts, which will freeze and cause fur­ther back-up of water from melt­ing snow. 

So, what does the smart north­west Indi­ana home­own­er do to pre­pare? Not much can be done to pre­vent snow­fall but the base­ment water prob­lems that would oth­er­wise result can be pre­vent­ed by mak­ing sure safe­guards such as drain tile or exte­ri­or water­proof­ing mem­brane are in place and that the sump pump, a cru­cial part of any base­ment water­proof­ing sys­tem, is work­ing properly.

Avoid ice dams and the result­ing dam­age to roofs and gut­ters by mak­ing sure gut­ters are clean and flow­ing freely before the snow flies and that down­spouts are clear of obstruc­tions. Roof dam­age can be avert­ed by main­tain­ing ade­quate insu­la­tion in the attic and ensur­ing that there is prop­er out­side air flow under the roof itself.

Prepar­ing a north­west Indi­ana base­ment for the rough win­ter ahead is a job for a base­ment water­proof­ing expert that knows the area and under­stands how to safe­guard base­ments in the worst con­di­tions. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we’ve been help­ing home­own­ers in Val­paraiso, Ham­mond and Crown Point with their base­ment water prob­lems for decades and our advi­sors are ready to help any north­west Indi­ana home­own­er get through the com­ing win­ter. Why not ask for a free con­sul­ta­tion?

Tags: northwest indiana basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing northwest indiana, nw indiana basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing nw indiana

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