U.S. Waterproofing | Rain Barrel Problems – 3 Things To Consider…

Rain Bar­rel Prob­lems – 3 Things To Con­sid­er Before You Buy

May 10, 2016 • By Matthew Stock with Mike Likvan.

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Rain bar­rels are a way some home­own­ers use to save mon­ey by cap­tur­ing rain to water their gar­dens and lawns and wash their cars. But there’s anoth­er side to these con­tain­ers that can cause seri­ous headaches beyond the com­mon­ly known rain bar­rel prob­lems (like roofs con­t­a­m­i­nat­ing the water, the bar­rels freez­ing and split­ting, and the tops becom­ing mos­qui­to breed­ing grounds).

3 Ways Rain Bar­rels Can Cost You More Mon­ey Than They Save

If you are a reg­u­lar read­er of our Learn­ing Cen­ter blogs, then you already know that keep­ing down­spout water away from your foun­da­tion is very impor­tant. If you dump too much water next to your house you can have a wet base­ment. More impor­tant­ly, though if you dump too much water next to your house your foun­da­tion can devel­op seri­ous struc­tur­al prob­lems. The bot­tom line is this: water dump­ing next to your foun­da­tion is not good and can cause seri­ous and expen­sive prob­lems. Keep­ing this in mind, let’s look at 3 ways rain bar­rel prob­lems can cause prob­lems for you.

1. INSUF­FI­CIENT STOR­AGE — You may not real­ize this but there is a lot of water that gush­es out of your down­spout dur­ing a healthy rain. For exam­ple, if you have a typ­i­cal ranch style home, the water that comes off of your roof dur­ing a 1 inch rain is over 600 gal­lons. If you have 4 down­spouts, then each is gush­ing 150 gal­lons. Now imag­ine the 27 inch rain storms we get. Can you see the prob­lem? A typ­i­cal rain bar­rel only holds 50 gal­lons, but your down­spouts can be dump­ing 150 gal­lons or more. So where does the oth­er 100 to 1000 gal­lons dump? Right next to your foundation.

2. USAGE – It sounds great to have free water to use for water­ing your gar­den and lawn, but you’ve got to use it up before the next rain­storm. The prob­lem is if you’re using it to water your lawn and gar­den, the sky is already doing some of that for you when it rains. And if you reg­u­lar­ly get rain, you may not be able to find oth­er uses to emp­ty the bar­rels before the next rain comes.That means your bar­rels are par­tial­ly emp­ty and when it rains their reduced capac­i­ty allows even more water to spill next to your foundation.

3. WATER WEIGHT – Let’s say you buy 10 rain bar­rels like the house pic­tured above to make sure no rain dumps into the Zone of Fail­ure next to your home. You know the Zone of Fail­ure. It’s the area next to your foun­da­tion, typ­i­cal­ly clay, that you want to keep dry. If it gets wet it will expand and push against the foun­da­tion, pre­sent­ing a very real chance of expen­sive struc­tur­al prob­lems. If you have prob­lems using up the water from 1 bar­rel or 3, how will you empty10 before the next rain? And with 10 rain bar­rels full of water, here’s the next prob­lem. A gal­lon of water weighs 8.34 lbs. A filled 50 gal­lon rain bar­rel weighs 400 lbs mak­ing 10 rain bar­rels weigh 2 tons! That means with 10 rain bar­rels you would have extreme­ly heavy, con­cen­trat­ed weight push­ing down on your home’s Zone of Fail­ure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That’s just ask­ing for struc­tur­al prob­lems. Not to men­tion the aes­thet­ics of hav­ing 10 bright blue bar­rels sit­ting where shrubs would nor­mal­ly be.

You can see how rain bar­rels can be a good idea in areas with lit­tle rain fall and long peri­ods of draught. But in Chica­go where we get rains from ear­ly Spring to late Fall, the rain bar­rels you are hop­ing will save mon­ey may actu­al­ly cost you more in the long run because you’ll need to clean up a wet mess in your base­ment or worse, to pay for foun­da­tion repairs. Vis­it our Learn­ing Cen­ter at USWa​ter​proof​ing​.com for more com­mon sense tips about water and your foundation.

Tags: rain barrel, chicago basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing chicago, basement waterproofing facts, structural foundation damage, basement waterproofing solutions, foundation damage, cracks in basement walls, basement crack

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