U.S. Waterproofing | What’s the Best Way to Fix My Leaky Basement in…

What’s the Best Way to Fix My Leaky Base­ment in Chicago?

Mar 10, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

What’s the Best Way to Fix My Leaky Basement in Chicago?

Chicago’s been around a long time, approach­ing 200 years. Somebody’s cow burned the place down once but that just gave Chicagoans a chance to start over and build the world class city on the shores of Lake Michi­gan that it is today. Chicago’s old­est homes, dat­ing from the 1830’s, were sur­vivors of the fire but most of the city’s homes were built after­ward as the city’s bound­aries expand­ed and pop­u­la­tion grew.

Regard­less of when a Chica­go home was built, the chances are good that it has a base­ment and equal­ly good that, when heavy rains or melt­ing snow soaked the soil around it, that the base­ment leaked. So, gen­er­a­tions of home­own­ers have asked the ques­tion How do I fix my leaky base­ment in Chicago?”

3 Ways to Fix a Leaky Base­ment in Chicago

Any base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny wor­thy of being in busi­ness will offer a vari­ety of solu­tions and approach­es to a leaky base­ment in Chica­go. This is impor­tant because leaky base­ments are caused by a num­ber of dif­fer­ent fac­tors and conditions.

Fix Seep­ing Wall Cracks – The most com­mon cause of a leaky base­ment in Chica­go is a crack in a poured con­crete foun­da­tion wall that allows seep­age into the base­ment. It’s impor­tant that the home­own­er know the dif­fer­ence between a struc­tur­al and non­struc­tur­al crack but most cracks don’t affect the sta­bil­i­ty of the foun­da­tion. They do make for leaky base­ments and need to be repaired. The best method of per­ma­nent­ly fix­ing a seep­ing wall crack is to inject it from the inte­ri­or with expand­ing ure­thane. The ure­thane expands to fill the crack all the way to the out­side soil and remains flex­i­ble when cured to pre­vent the crack from re-open­ing from minor foun­da­tion movement.

An alter­na­tive method when the inside of the foun­da­tion wall isn’t acces­si­ble is to dig a small hole on the out­side of the cracked wall and fill it with sodi­um ben­tonite clay, which will cre­ate a per­ma­nent pos­i­tive side” repair.

Install Drain Tile — Whether it is inte­ri­or drain tile under the base­ment floor or exte­ri­or drain tile out­side the foun­da­tion the func­tion is the same – col­lect ground water that would oth­er­wise end up in the base­ment and car­ry it off to a sump pump. Exte­ri­or drain tile, per­fo­rat­ed PVC pipe buried next to the foun­da­tion foot­ings in a bed of washed stone, col­lects water from out­side the foun­da­tion and relieves lat­er­al pres­sure that caus­es seep­age and wall cracks. Inte­ri­or drain tile col­lects ground water from under the base­ment floor and relieves hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure that caus­es seep­age from floor cracks and through the cove joint. Both are effec­tive, per­ma­nent safe­guards against leaky base­ments in Chica­go and will per­form for the fore­see­able future with­out maintenance.

Apply Exte­ri­or Water­proof­ing Mem­brane – Most new­er Chica­go homes sit on poured con­crete foun­da­tions but many old­er hous­es have mason­ry foun­da­tions – con­crete block, brick, stone, even tele­phone tile. One par­tic­u­lar­ly effec­tive solu­tion for leaky mason­ry base­ments (suit­able for poured con­crete, too) is an exte­ri­or water­proof­ing mem­brane – asphalt-mod­i­fied polyurethane sealant trow­eled onto the out­side of a foun­da­tion in a thick coat to pro­vide an imper­me­able pos­i­tive side“ bar­ri­er to seep­age. Mason­ry walls often expe­ri­ence seep­age through aging mor­tar joints and, in the case of con­crete block, through the porous block itself.

Of course, there are meth­ods to pre­vent leaky base­ments from ever occur­ring – that’s a top­ic for anoth­er day.

Regard­less of the cause of the leaky base­ment, the Chica­go home­own­er needs a pro­fes­sion­al base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor that can quick­ly and accu­rate­ly diag­nose the prob­lem and offers exact­ly the right solu­tion, per­ma­nent and cost-effec­tive. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we’ve been fix­ing leaky base­ments in Chica­go since 1957 and count tens of thou­sands of Chica­go home­own­ers among our more than 300,000 sat­is­fied cus­tomers. Why not ask for our free advice?

Tags: basement waterproofing chicago, chicago basement waterproofing, leaky basement chicago

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