U.S. Waterproofing | Why Basement Waterproofing Isn’t Covered by…

Why Base­ment Water­proof­ing Isn’t Cov­ered by Home­own­ers Insurance

Mar 29, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

Why Basement Waterproofing Isn't Covered by Homeowners Insurance

You’ve just mopped up the base­ment, again, after a heavy spring rain­storm, so you call in the base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor. After a thor­ough inspec­tion, the con­trac­tor explains the prob­lem and leaves you with a writ­ten esti­mate of the work need­ed to fix it.

So, you pick up the phone to call your insur­ance agent, right? Well, maybe not. While your agent will cer­tain­ly be sym­pa­thet­ic to your sit­u­a­tion, there’s not much else they can do because your homeowner’s insur­ance pol­i­cy typ­i­cal­ly will not cov­er the cost of base­ment water­proof­ing services.

What is Homeowner’s Insur­ance, Anyway?

Before we talk about what your homeowner’s insur­ance will and won’t cov­er, it might be help­ful if we spent a few min­utes on what it is and what it does. When we buy a home, we also buy insur­ance cov­er­age to pro­tect that home and its con­tents from loss or dam­age, with the most obvi­ous rea­son being that we want to pro­vide a com­fort­able and safe place for our fam­i­ly. Also, for most peo­ple, a home is our largest sin­gle invest­ment, so we insure it to pro­tect our finan­cial com­mit­ment. And, since very few of us are able to buy a home with­out tak­ing on a mort­gage, lenders require homeowner’s insur­ance to pro­tect their invest­ment in us.

So, how does it work? Most of us have a basic homeowner’s pol­i­cy that cov­ers all the dis­as­ters you’d expect it to: fire, theft, falling trees – in fact, most poli­cies will cov­er any com­mon loss that isn’t specif­i­cal­ly exclud­ed. You can also add cov­er­age to your pol­i­cy, called an endorse­ment,” that cov­ers spe­cif­ic loss­es, like burst pipes and mechan­i­cal fail­ure of your sump pumps. Then there are those exclu­sions,” things that your pol­i­cy doesn’t cov­er, and com­mon among them are flood­ing and water seep­age that occurs at or below ground level.

What about Flood Insurance?

After some recent weath­er dis­as­ters, a lot has been said about flood insur­ance, but it won’t help pay for your leak­ing base­ment, either. Flood insur­ance, which you can buy from many insur­ance agents, is avail­able to any­one who lives in a com­mu­ni­ty that takes part in the Nation­al Flood Insur­ance Pro­gram. How­ev­er, this insur­ance is designed to pro­tect only the above-ground parts of your home from flood dam­age and there are numer­ous con­di­tions that have to exist before the cov­er­age kicks in. It may be a good idea for oth­er rea­sons, but don’t count on flood insur­ance when your base­ment water prob­lems are caused by ground­wa­ter.

An Insur­ance Agent Explains

A Chica­go-area prop­er­ty & casu­al­ty insur­ance agent recent­ly explained the kind of loss­es and dam­age that homeowner’s insur­ance will cover:

Homeowner’s insur­ance pro­tects you from sud­den and acci­den­tal’ loss­es, such as fire, theft and hail dam­age and, unfor­tu­nate­ly, base­ment water dam­age is nei­ther sud­den nor acci­den­tal. It’s real­ly a home main­te­nance issue, just like keep­ing your sid­ing paint­ed or your stairs in good condition.”

We can add endorse­ments to your pol­i­cy to cov­er sew­er back-ups or burst pipes or failed sump pumps but even those are lim­it­ed in what they cover.”

The best thing you can do is to keep your base­ment dry and well-maintained.”

So, What Should I Do?

If we lis­ten to the insur­ance agent’s advice, the best way to avoid a major water prob­lem in your base­ment is to take steps to pre­vent it, like these:

Replace your old sump pump with a depend­able cast-iron model;

Add a bat­tery back­up sump pump sys­tem to guard against base­ment flood­ing dur­ing a pow­er failure;

Repair foun­da­tion wall cracks in your foun­da­tion; or,

Water­proof your foun­da­tion with an Exte­ri­or Water­proof­ing Mem­brane Sys­tem.

In any case, the base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor will be your best source of help and infor­ma­tion pre­vent­ing cost­ly prob­lems. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we’ve pro­vid­ed base­ment water­proof­ing ser­vices for more than 300,000 base­ments across Chicagoland for more than 55 years and we’d be hap­py to add yours to that list.

If you have ques­tions about your base­ment, please give us a call toll-free at 888-SEEP­AGE or con­tact us online. In the mean­time, take a look at this List of the 5 Most Com­mon Base­ment Water­proof­ing Prob­lems for more information.

Tags: basement waterproofing facts, cost to waterproof basement, basement waterproofing costs, basement waterproofng estimate, homeowners insurance

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