U.S. Waterproofing | Will Hurricane Isaac Cause Basement Water…

Will Hur­ri­cane Isaac Cause Base­ment Water Prob­lems in Chicago?

Aug 29, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

Will Hurricane Isaac Cause Basement Water Problems in Chicago?

The first major hur­ri­cane of the sea­son has been beat­ing up on Flori­da and the Gulf Coast, par­tic­u­lar­ly on our poor, bat­tered neigh­bors in Louisiana. Hur­ri­cane Isaac, like most hur­ri­canes and trop­i­cal storms, has weak­ened over the land but it will con­tin­ue to have its effect on the cen­tral part of the Unit­ed States for at least a few days.

In the Chica­go area, we’ll be catch­ing the tail end” of Hur­ri­cane Isaac this week­end and that means heavy rains. Besides spoil­ing some Labor Day bar­be­cues, these rains are like­ly to end up flood­ing more than a few base­ments around Chica­go, a sit­u­a­tion made worse by the lengthy drought we have expe­ri­enced this summer.

Why the Com­bi­na­tion of Drought and Hur­ri­cane Isaac is Bad News for Chica­go Basements

In an ear­li­er arti­cle, we dis­cussed how this summer’s drought may actu­al­ly be dam­ag­ing your foun­da­tion. The prob­lem caused by the drought and unusu­al­ly high tem­per­a­tures is called soil des­ic­ca­tion,” the removal of mois­ture from the soil sur­round­ing your foun­da­tion. The mois­ture doesn’t evap­o­rate; it is actu­al­ly pulled from the soil by trees and plants sur­round­ing your home.

In an effort to sur­vive drought con­di­tions, trees and oth­er plants, such as shrubs, send their root sys­tems deep­er and wider in search of water. These roots draw water from the soil, keep­ing the green­ery alive, but caus­ing the soil to shrink, par­tic­u­lar­ly the clay soil that’s com­mon in our region. When the soil shrinks, it pulls away from the foun­da­tion, allow­ing foun­da­tion walls to shift and cracks to occur.

Soil shrink­age also cre­ates open path­ways for water to run down along the foun­da­tion and find open­ings to enter the basement.

The heavy rain we expe­ri­enced in the Chicagoland area last Sun­day was a warn­ing of how bad things could get. Many local home­own­ers who had nev­er had a water prob­lem before report­ed wet base­ments and that’s noth­ing com­pared to those who will be affect­ed if we get the two or three days of sus­tained rain from Hur­ri­cane Isaac that is predicted.

So What Can I do to Pre­vent Base­ment Seepage?

OK, so it’s a lit­tle late for major repairs before this week­end but there are some things you can do:

Check your Sump Pump – It’s a real­ly good idea to test your pri­ma­ry sump pump. Using a hose or a buck­et, pour water into your sump basin until it’s full enough to trig­ger the pump switch. Make sure the pump turns on, pumps as much water out of the basin as pos­si­ble and shuts off. If you have a float switch, make sure it’s not pushed against the side of the basin or tan­gled in wires.

Make Sure your Back-up Sump Pump is Work­ing – If you have a bat­tery back-up sump pump, make sure your bat­tery is charg­ing and that the pump is oper­at­ing prop­er­ly. No mat­ter what type of back-up pump you have, unplug your pri­ma­ry pump and test the back-up the same way as above.

Clean your Gut­ters and Down­spouts – I can’t say enough about the key role played by gut­ter sys­tems in pre­vent­ing infil­tra­tion of rain water. If your gut­ters are clogged, water will spill over and sat­u­rate the ground next to your foun­da­tion. If your down­spouts end right at the base of your foun­da­tion, the same thing will hap­pen but worse. Con­sid­er some tem­po­rary exten­sions as a stop­gap until you can do down­spout exten­sions the right way.

Cross your Fin­gers – Hey, it might help. 

Look, I don’t want to exag­ger­ate the pos­si­bil­i­ties here but I do want to make sure that Chicagoland home­own­ers under­stand that heavy rains from Hur­ri­cane Isaac (or what­ev­er the source of the next heavy rains) can cause some real prob­lems after the extreme­ly dry sum­mer we’ve had. 

At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we’ve helped more than 300,000 Chica­go home­own­ers make and keep their base­ments dry, come drought, hur­ri­cane, bliz­zard or what­ev­er the noto­ri­ous Chica­go weath­er throws at us. If you’re con­cerned about your base­ment, get in touch. Our advice is always free.

Tags: chicago basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing chicago, basement water problems, hurricane isaac

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